


iPad 和 socks

起因是这样的,前段时间 LD 表弟的 iPad2 托人从美国带过来时经过了我们的手,LD 对这个白色的设备很有些兴趣,后来有一天我在 twitter 上看到有人说 Apple 中国官网上又开卖 iPad2 了,考虑到我家的 kindle3 被 LD 长期霸占,我于是撺掇 LD 咱们也买一个 iPad2 吧。

今天 iPad2 到了,LD 果真扔下了 kindle3 兴冲冲地开始玩这个新玩具,看到有个 youtube 的应用,然后——杯具地撞墙了……

这算是拿到 IT 设备的第一件大事了,google 之。因为平常在电脑上用 ssh turnnel 翻,基于此,iPad 大概有两种方法,一种在网络设置 http 代理的地方填上某个 pac 文件的地址,而在这个 pac 文件里给出 socks 的 ip 和端口。另一种是安装软件,把 socks 代理转成 http 代理(这篇 blog 的留言值得一读,有不少信息)。

对于我来说,似乎直接用 pac 文件更方便一点。不过上面那个文章里面的 pac 文件示例太简单,任何网址都去走 socks 代理。而实际上对于国内网站也用代理既不经济也不实惠,甚至今天发现优酷的某些视频只允许大陆地区的 ip 观看。那么 pac 文件里简单的过滤需要一点。如果不想使用正则的话,可以参看一下我下面写的。除了过滤被墙的网址外,主要目的是处理子域名不需过滤的情况。比方说对 google.com 使用代理,但是 mail.google.com 却不需要。

  1. var patterns = new Array("twitter.com", "twimg.com", "youtube.com", "ytimg.com", "google.com");
  3. var patterns_black = new Array("mail.google.com");
  5. function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
  6.     for (i in patterns_black) {
  7.         if (url.indexOf(patterns_black[i]) >= 0) {
  8.             return "DIRECT";
  9.         }  
  10.     }
  11.     for (i in patterns) {
  12.         if (url.indexOf(patterns[i]) >= 0) {
  13.             return "SOCKS 192.168.X.XXX:YYYY";
  14.         }
  15.     }
  16.     return "DIRECT";
  17. }

Fedora 15里如何关机


到了100多兆的时候,杨松同学出现了,然后问我是否要 F15 的安装盘。。我心里一喜,终止了下载任务

杨松随即又抱怨,F15的ACPI很成问题,halt 无法关机。我问他,为啥不用菜单里的关机选项来关机。杨老师很泄气的回答,因为找不到这个菜单项

我哈哈一下,你必须要按 Alt 才能看到 shutdown

==== 这是故事的分割线 ====

为什么我知道 Alt 这件事?我明明没有用过 F15 啊

很简单,在下载那100多兆的时候,我一直都在看 Release Notes

别的项目不敢说,RedHat 制作的 Release Notes 一向都是做得很漂亮的。而且要明白最近半年开源软件比较重量级项目的版本变化,大部分都囊括在这个文档里了

即使你在用 ubuntu,也非常值得阅读。







那些积极参与技术社区活动的同志,都是希望超越日常工作/学习环境,超越自己的 daily operating,去寻求变化的。这导致了技术社区成为一个变革汇聚的地方,其中蕴藏着改变世界的能量。






最近搜狐邮件中心赞助了 Python 的两场活动

1. 本周日,上海的 Python vs Ruby code jam.

2. 4月17日,搜狐网络大厦四海会议室,今年 CPyUG 北京地区的第一次活动.


另外,周二晚上,和易度的潘俊勇也交流了一下关于未来技术合作的可能,python 在我们的业务里还是大有可为的










因为一个很小的事情,我们发现搜狗浏览器不支持表单的 autocomplete 这个属性,于是就提给开发部门,希望能够改进。

这个属性 IE/Firefox/Chrome 都是支持的,或者说如果网站开发者设定为off,那么浏览器就屈服开发者,关闭掉该表单的autocomplete特性。

本来是一件小事情,而且搜狗的开发者也指出在W3规范里,"The attribute may also be omitted",著名浏览器里 opera 同样不支持它;但是从来往信件里,包括开发团队里有人透露出关于智能填表功能的后台实现逻辑,让我非常吃惊:在他们看来,关于autocomplete这个特性,是完全由浏览器来控制的,只要产品经理决定给用户提供“一致的,易于理解的”体验,那么它就要阻挠开发者自定义体验的努力。





* very engineering driven culture. ”product managers are essentially useless here.” is a quote from an engineer. engineers can modify specs mid-process, re-order work projects, and inject new feature ideas anytime.






最后,Mark好像是大学肄业生吧,所以FB这个公司的气质和2位博士创建的Google的气质显然是不同滴... FB更偏工程,Google更偏研究


facebook 的工程师文化

有人发表了How Facebook Ships Code,偶觉得其中关于Facebook的工程师驱动文化的部分特别有意思,于是翻译了一下(刚刚google之,网上也有其他翻译出来了,真是快手啊)..

* as of June 2010, the company has nearly 2000 employees, up from roughly 1100 employees 10 months ago. Nearly doubling staff in under a year!

* the two largest teams are Engineering and Ops, with roughly 400-500 team members each. Between the two they make up about 50% of the company.

* product manager to engineer ratio is roughly 1-to-7 or 1-to-10

* all engineers go through 4 to 6 week “Boot Camp” training where they learn the Facebook system by fixing bugs and listening to lectures given by more senior/tenured engineers. estimate 10% of each boot camp’s trainee class don’t make it and are counseled out of the organization.

* after boot camp, all engineers get access to live DB (comes with standard lecture about “with great power comes great responsibility” and a clear list of “fire-able offenses”, e.g., sharing private user data)

* [EDIT thx fryfrog] “There are also very good safe guards in place to prevent anyone at the company from doing the horrible sorts of things you can imagine people have the power to do being on the inside. If you have to “become” someone who is asking for support, this is logged along with a reason and closely reviewed. Straying here is not tolerated, period.”

* any engineer can modify any part of FB’s code base and check-in at-will

* very engineering driven culture. ”product managers are essentially useless here.” is a quote from an engineer. engineers can modify specs mid-process, re-order work projects, and inject new feature ideas anytime.

* during monthly cross-team meetings, the engineers are the ones who present progress reports. product marketing and product management attend these meetings, but if they are particularly outspoken, there is actually feedback to the leadership that “product spoke too much at the last meeting.” they really want engineers to publicly own products and be the main point of contact for the things they built.
在月度跨部门会议里,工程师负责做进度报告。产品营销和产品经理也会去参加这些会议,但如果他们particularly outspoken,领导层会得到这样的反馈"产品在上个会议讲的太多了"。这里期望工程师拥有产品并且成为他们项目的主角

* resourcing for projects is purely voluntary.
o a PM lobbies group of engineers, tries to get them excited about their ideas.
o Engineers decide which ones sound interesting to work on.
o Engineer talks to their manager, says “I’d like to work on these 5 things this week.”
o Engineering Manager mostly leaves engineers’ preferences alone, may sometimes ask that certain tasks get done first.
o Engineers handle entire feature themselves — front end javascript, backend database code, and everything in between. If they want help from a Designer (there are a limited staff of dedicated designers available), they need to get a Designer interested enough in their project to take it on. Same for Architect help. But in general, expectation is that engineers will handle everything they need themselves.

  • PM游说工程师们,试图吸引工程师为他们的想法而工作
  • 工程师自己决定去干哪个产品经理的活
  • 工程师然后去给他们的头儿报告:"我本周要干这么5件事情"
  • 工程师的头儿几乎可以说是放任手下各行其是,偶尔给点做事情优先级的忠告
  • 工程师自己处理所有的事情,从js到db的所有逻辑。如果他们期望得到设计师(FB里只有非常少的专职设计师)的帮助,他们需要自己去搞定设计师来加入他们的项目;如果需要架构师同样也得自己来搞定。但通常来说,工程师自己干所有的活

* arguments about whether or not a feature idea is worth doing or not generally get resolved by just spending a week implementing it and then testing it on a sample of users, e.g., 1% of Nevada users.

* engineers generally want to work on infrastructure, scalability and “hard problems” — that’s where all the prestige is. can be hard to get engineers excited about working on front-end projects and user interfaces. this is the opposite of what you find in some consumer businesses where everyone wants to work on stuff that customers touch so you can point to a particular user experience and say “I built that.” At facebook, the back-end stuff like news feed algorithms, ad-targeting algorithms, memcache optimizations, etc. are the juicy projects that engineers want.
工程师一般来说都比较喜欢做做基础架构,高负载高并发,所谓"真正的技术难题"...等等涨声望值的东西。很难让一个工程师对用户界面修修补补而燃烧热情。在某些做consumer business的企业相反:每个人都希望做那些影响用户体验的事情这样他们就可以指着网页某处说:"介四俺做滴"。在FB,后端的工作比如newsfeed算法,广告精准投递算法,memcached优化,就是工程师最希望去做的事情(qyb:这一段不好翻译,谁能告诉我什么是 juicy project??)

* commits that affect certain high-priority features (e.g., news feed) get code reviewed before merge. News Feed is important enough that Zuckerberg reviews any changes to it, but that’s an exceptional case.
对那些高敏感度功能的代码提交,合并之前肯定要做codereview. News Feed 是最重要的部分,Zuckerberg 会亲自审查修改它的所有更改
* [CORRECTION -- thx epriest] “There is mandatory code review for all changes (i.e., by one or more engineers). I think the article is just saying that Zuck doesn’t look at every change personally.”
* [CORRECTION thx fryfrog] “All changes are reviewed by at least one person, and the system is easy for anyone else to look at and review your code even if you don’t invite them to. It would take intentionally malicious behavior to get un-reviewed code in.”

* no QA at all, zero. engineers responsible for testing, bug fixes, and post-launch maintenance of their own work. there are some unit-testing and integration-testing frameworks available, but only sporadically used.
FB没有QA,真的就是零个. 工程师负责测试,修补错误,发布后的维护。确实也有个单元测试集成测试框架,但很少被使用
* [CORRECTION thx fryfrog] “I would also add that we do have QA, just not an official QA group. Every employee at an office or connected via VPN is using a version of the site that includes all the changes that are next in line to go out. This version is updated frequently and is usually 1-12 hours ahead of what the world sees. All employees are strongly encouraged to report any bugs they see and these are very quickly actioned upon.”

* re: surprise at lack of QA or automated unit tests — “most engineers are capable of writing bug-free code. it’s just that they don’t have an incentive to do so at most companies. when there’s a QA department, it’s easy to just throw it over to them to find the errors.” [EDIT: please note that this was subjective opinion, I chose to include it in this post because of the stark contrast that this draws with standard development practice at other companies]
* [CORRECTION thx epriest] “We have automated testing, including “push-blocking” tests which must pass before the release goes out. We absolutely do not believe “most engineers are capable of writing bug-free code”, much less that this is a reasonable notion to base a business upon.”

* re: surprise at lack of PM influence/control — product managers have a lot of independence and freedom. The key to being influential is to have really good relationships with engineering managers. Need to be technical enough not to suggest stupid ideas. Aside from that, there’s no need to ask for any permission or pass any reviews when establishing roadmaps/backlogs. ”My product director doesn’t even really know all the things I have on my roadmap.” There are relatively few PMs, but they all feel like they have responsibility for a really important and personally-interesting area of the company.
re: 缺乏产品经理来影响/控制项目好像有点奇怪——但是产品经理有非常大的独立性和自由度。PM拥有影响力的关键是和工程经理搞好关系。产品经理需要有足够的技术头脑,别提傻想法,除了这点,产品经理制定其路线图的时候无需任何权限和额外许可。"我的产品主管并不完全了解我想做什么"。只有很少的产品经理,但所有PM们都很有责任心的去做那些真正重要,以及个人最感兴趣的部分。

* by default all code commits get packaged into weekly releases (tuesdays)

* with extra effort, changes can go out same day

* tuesday code releases require all engineers who committed code in that week’s release candidate to be on-site

* engineers must be present in a specific IRC channel for “roll call” before the release begins or else suffer a public “shaming”

* ops team runs code releases by gradually rolling code out
o facebook has around 60,000 servers
o there are 9 concentric levels for rolling out new code
o [CORRECTION thx epriest] “The nine push phases are not concentric. There are three concentric phases (p1 = internal release, p2 = small external release, p3 = full external release). The other six phases are auxiliary tiers like our internal tools, video upload hosts, etc.”
o the smallest level is only 6 servers
o e.g., new tuesday release is rolled out to 6 servers (level 1), ops team then observes those 6 servers and make sure that they are behaving correctly before rolling forward to the next level.
o if a release is causing any issues (e.g., throwing errors, etc.) then push is halted. the engineer who committed the offending changeset is paged to fix the problem. and then the release starts over again at level 1.
o so a release may go thru levels repeatedly: 1-2-3-fix. back to 1. 1-2-3-4-5-fix. back to 1. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.

  • FB有大概6w台服务器
  • 发布要分3个阶段:p1=内部发布、p2=小规模外部发布,p3=完全外部发布. 关于一些外围系统比如视频上载什么的被划到了另外6个发布阶段。一共是从p1到p9
  • 最小的发布级别只影响到6台服务器(qyb:我猜这意思是FB只要有6台服务器就可以运行所有的服务)
  • 周二发布就是p1,运维团队观察这6台服务器的运行情况,然后开始向下一个级别进行发布
  • 如果某个发布造成了错误. 整个进程就会中止. 提交相关代码的工程师会被叫过来修补代码,然后,再次从p1开始

* ops team is really well-trained, well-respected, and very business-aware. their server metrics go beyond the usual error logs, load & memory utilization stats — also include user behavior. E.g., if a new release changes the percentage of users who engage with Facebook features, the ops team will see that in their metrics and may stop a release for that reason so they can investigate.

* during the release process, ops team uses an IRC-based paging system that can ping individual engineers via Facebook, email, IRC, IM, and SMS if needed to get their attention. not responding to ops team results in public shaming.

* once code has rolled out to level 9 and is stable, then done with weekly push.

* if a feature doesn’t get coded in time for a particular weekly push, it’s not that big a deal (unless there are hard external dependencies) — features will just generally get shipped whenever they’re completed.

* getting svn-blamed, publicly shamed, or slipping projects too often will result in an engineer getting fired. ”it’s a very high performance culture”. people that aren’t productive or aren’t super talented really stick out. Managers will literally take poor performers aside within 6 months of hiring and say “this just isn’t working out, you’re not a good culture fit”. this actually applies at every level of the company, even C-level and VP-level hires have been quickly dismissed if they aren’t super productive.
被svn-blamed(qyb:我猜测svn-blamed的意思是某人提交了一个特别弱智的bug,然后被svn blame命令检出这次提交的作者信息贴在内部邮件组里...也许FB定期公布这些工程师名单,被称之为svn-blamed),被公开批判的,项目常常延期。。。。这些过失都会导致被解雇。"这里有一个高绩效文化",不优秀的生产力不高的会被清除出去。新员工入职半年后如果表现不佳,就会被经理告知"这里不合适你". 甚至对于C级,vp级员工如果没有达到更高的预期也会被立即解雇.(qyb:看起来Mark之下只有4级,A/B/C/VP)

* [CORRECTION, thx epriest] “People do not get called out for introducing bugs. They only get called out if they ask for changes to go out with the release but aren’t around to support them in case something goes wrong (and haven’t found someone to cover for you).”
* [CORRECTION, thx epriest] “Getting blamed will NOT get you fired. We are extremely forgiving in this respect, and most of the senior engineers have pushed at least one horrible thing, myself included. As far as I know, no one has ever been fired for making mistakes of this nature.”
* [CORRECTION, thx fryfrog] “I also don’t know of anyone who has been fired for making mistakes like are mentioned in the article. I know of people who have inadvertently taken down the site. They work hard to fix what ever caused the problem and everyone learns from it. The public shaming is far more effective than fear of being fired, in my opinion.”




我有回很自嘲的对MarkWu说我现在就是一行政人员,被深深鄙视... 现在想起来真的是这样,拿军队作例子:






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