
Notepad++ 4.7

4.7 版本的 Notepad++ 除了增加了一个新的恢复系统外,还包括了一个 FTP 同步插件,和一个所见即所得的导出插件。看起来都是很强悍的功能, 下载

Notepqd++ v4.7 is more robust thanks to the new recovery system to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted files.
In this version, besides the User Language Define System, the new language (Scintilla external lexer) can be added in Notepad++ under the plugin form.
This new release includes 2 very demanded plugins : FTP_Synchronize and NppExport plugin.
FTP_Synchronize let you edit a remoted file directly in Notepad++. It uploads modified file while you save it in Notepad++.

NppExport is a true WYSIWYG exporter. It allows you not only to save your source code as a html/rtf file, but also to copy your source code in the clipbaord in RTF/HTML format, so you can paste it into your word processor (MS Word, Abiword, openoffice.org Writer) to get the same visual effect.


Notepad++ v4.7 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.6) :

1. Make the "recovery system" for 3 mandatory xml files (config.xml, langs.xml and stylers.xml) to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted files.
2. Extend plugin capacity - add the Scintilla external lexer capacity.
3. Add the ability to hide the tab bar with "-notabbar" flag in command line (ie. Notepad style).
4. Column selection is remembered now while switching among the files. As well this settings will be stored in the next session.
5. Add 2 Commends (beside Toggle Comment) Comment (Ctrl+K) and Uncomment (Ctrl+Shift+K).
6. Change "UTF8 without BOM" menu item behaviour.
7. Fix the hiding bug while launch time because of change of environment from duel monitors to mono monitor.
8. Remove vista UAC warning for GUP. Add "Update Notepad++" menu item.
9. Add NPPM_HIDETABBAR and NPPM_ISTABBARHIDE plugins messages.
10. Add NPPM_GETNPPVERSION message for plugin system.
11. Enhance the horizontal scroll feature.
12. Change Find in files behaviour : all the hidden directory won't be searched (for example : .svn).
13. Add build date-time in about box.
14. Fix a bug where a file with 2 or more consecutive spaces gives problems with sessions and history.

15. Fixe the problem where opening a file when in save as dialog saves the wrong file.

Included plugins :

1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Quick text v0.02
5. Explorer plugin v1.6.1
6. Hex editor v0.84
7. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
8. FTP_synchronize v0.9.5.0

9. NppExport v0.2.5.0

PDFCreator 0.9.5

好像自从开始以来,第一次看到这个软件更新... 下载!

Improvements: Using GPL-Ghostscript 8.61 now.
- Added french help file.
- New com-function: cPrintURL added.
- Added some new com-samples.
- Added a counter for filenames.
- Improved setup now supports silent install for server mode (with /LoadInf and /SaveInf).
- Support for PDF/A (1b) and PDF/X (X-3:2002, X-3:2003 and X-4) via additional Ghostscript parameters (predefined).
- Support for signing PDFs via Actions and a VB-Script.
- Samples of PDFCreator COM-Control in .Net, .Net Scripting Host, MS Office, Perl, Python, Ruby, VB 6, WinBatch and Windows Scripting Host

- new pdfforge.dll for additional PDF tasks: Split, merge and sign pdf files, add stamp and set background colors

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed some minor bugs.

Known issues:
- Only basic Vista support.

- No hyperlinks possible (Hyperlinks for MS Word are possible with the combination of PDF-T-Maker and PDFCreator.)


Maxthon 下载


+ 增加 关闭空白/错误页面 命令

* 提高快捷键反应速度
* 解决显示窗口边框时的内部显示问题
* 解决切换标签闪烁的问题
* 解决某些情况下窗口位置不能保存的问题
* 解决有些站点图标不显示在标签上的问题
* 解决一个导致程序错误的问题
* 解决鼠标手势绘制的一些问题(58461)
* 解决在没有页面的时候点击刷新崩溃的问题(58277)
* 没有设置页面的插件不显示 "选项" 链接
* 修正一个拖放链接导致崩溃的问题
* 修正UserAgent有时不生效的问题

* 修正在弹出窗口中使用滚轮时主页面也滚动的问题

Winamp 5.51

Winamp 5.51

Lite 版本下载其他版本下载

* New: Autoplay Handlers for Audio, MP3 and Video CD's on WinXP & Vista
* New: Default Programs registration for installations on Windows Vista
* New: Optional Constant-Q Equalizer and optional ISO Standard frequency bands
* New: [in_flv] Flash Video decoder (vp6 only, not h.263)


AutoGK 2.48

AutoGK 最近的更新是把使用的 xvid 的 cvs build 降级到去年的某个版本,看来 xvid 现在开发问题多多啊..

Version 2.48 beta:
- XviD build downgraded to CVS 08/12/06 as in 2.40

- DGMpgDec updated to version 1.5.0 beta 12

Version 2.47 beta:
- fixed external subs problem
- add command line option to start AutoGK in multi-instance mode: "-multi"
- DGMpgDec updated to version 1.5.0 beta 4

- XviD downgraded to version 1.2.0 CVS 20/12/06 to prevent undersize with ESS option enabled

Version 2.46 beta:
- DGMpgDec updated to version 1.5.0 beta 2 to prevent popups during encode
- included MPC that does preview now
- compiled with new compiler/libraries
- added option to go to sleep (stand by) mode after encode

- colormatrix filter is updated to version 2.2

FFDShow Beta4

经过将近半年的等待,ffdshow-tryouts 刚刚又更新到 beta4
* In FLAC and TTA, A/V synch was lost.
* Closed caption decoder produced garbled characters.
* Crashes in Windows Movie Maker have been fixed. This was not ffdshow's bug.
* Subtitles that contain an "&" as part of the filename were displayed incorrectly inside ffdshow's context menu.
* MakeAVIS.exe in "Store uncompressed audio" mode produced noisy audio if the input audio was not 16bit integer.
* If the AviSynth script had multiple lines, the script was not saved by using "Export all settings" or "Save to file..." in Presets page.
* DTS S/PDIF pass-through sometimes had terrible noise.
* Compatibility problem with VFW encoder applications such as HyperCam has been fixed.
* If ConvertToRGB was used in AviSynth script, the video was flipped.
* If "Swap channels" was used, audio was lost if the number of channels of the input stream changed.
* DVD menu was sometimes not highlighted.
* "Preset autoload conditions" -> "on movie file name match (with wildcards)" did not work.
* If the input color space was NV12 or NV21, ffdshow could not render properly.

* If crop was used after letterbox subtitling, the bottom of the image was cropped too much.

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