
Softpedia Editorial Team 发来的信!!



Your product "DV-2-XviD 0.8" has been tested by the Softpedia labs and found to be
completely clean of adware/spyware components.

We are impressed with the quality of your product and encourage you to keep
this high standards in the future.

To assure our visitors that "DV-2-XviD 0.8" is clean, we have granted it with the
"100% FREE" Softpedia award. Moreover, to let your users know about this
certification, you may display this award on your website, on software boxes
or inside your product.

More information about your product's certification and the award is available
on this page: http://www.softpedia.com/progClean/DV-2-XviD-Clean-57206.html

Your product review page is located at:

Please feel free to link to us using the URL above.
If you choose to link to the award page for your product, you may use the
award graphic or a text link such as: "100% FREE award granted by Softpedia"

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

       The Softpedia Team

