
FlashGet 发布 1.82.1001

FlashGet 发布1.82.1001


* 美化了悬浮窗
* 使用全新图标
* 主菜单的打散重新排列
* 详细信息栏目增加了TAB显示方式
* 调整了部分界面文字措词
* 调整了“选项”中部分标签名称
* 调整了“选项”窗口的显示方式
* 增加了用户自定义开机启动选项
* 增加了下载进度图形显示
* 增加了文件大小单位的自动转换
* 去掉了工具栏右侧流量图形比例显示
* 去掉了下载完成后弹出窗口行为
* 去掉了自定义双击单个任务的程序行为
* 修改了F1打开用户手册为进入在线帮助
* 去掉了菜单中的“搜索”入口
* 去掉了菜单中“粘贴URL”入口
* 不再保存最近打开的数据库历史
* 任务栏默认不隐藏到托盘
* 工具栏按钮默认显示文字
* 允许通过删除全部按钮隐藏工具栏
* 去掉了快车工具条

* 更多细节调整等待你去发现

* 修改了两个日志刷新的错误
* 修正了普通下载时对磁盘剩余空间判断的一个BUG

* 调整了非镜像下普通下载额外增加下载线程的策略

XnView 1.90.3




XnView v1.90.3 (LIBFORMAT v4.78) 14/03/2007:

* Thumbnails use transparency/alpha of picture
* Add Panasonic RAW format
* XMP in clean dialog

* Hidden setting, CopyClipboard=2 (filename+image), =0 (image), =1 (filename)

* 'Search IPTC' use now all IPTC fields

* All web templates are now in utf8

* Some problem with file list refresh
* histogram
* Camera RAW
* Slideshow with audio
* 'Add text' with 32bits picture

* some minor bugs

Winamp 发布 5.3.3

Winamp 5.33 Lite 版下载,其它版本下载

Winamp 5.33 更新信息:
* Improved: [gen_ml] unicode tree item title support
* Improved: [NDE] speed optimizations
* Improved: [ml_history] localized dates
* Improved: [ml_local] Unicode media library support
* Improved: [ml_playlists] now uses m3u8 to retain unicode file info
* Improved: [ml_playlists] playlists in send-to submenu
* Improved: [ml_pmp] playback-from-device of unicode filenames
* Improved: [ml_wire] moved discover page to main page
* Improved: [pmp_p4s] auto-detection of supported file formats
* Fixed: playlist directory loading fix (again)
* Fixed: recursive playlist loading
* Fixed: video lockup when switching video display settings
* Fixed: HTML playlist generation
* Fixed: temp file cleanup after burning
* Fixed: Alt+L from video window
* Fixed: fullscreen video display drawing glitch
* Fixed: recursive shortcut loading
* Fixed ASX Loader not reading local relative paths correctly
* Fixed: [gen_ml] & needs expanding to && for any menu entries showing filenames
* Fixed: [in_flac] not saving genres.txt in multiuser directory
* Fixed: [in_mp3] create id3v2 tag when writing album artist
* Fixed: [in_mp3] workaround for id3v2.4 tags with badly formatted frame sizes
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] writing blank metadata instead of erasing
* Fixed: [in_wave] sometimes not remembering custom extensions
* Fixed: [in_wm] stack overflow on hi-def multichannel audio with replaygain enabled
* Fixed: [in_wm] File Info editor album artist not saving
* Fixed: [ml_local] Modern skin pledit winshade 'Manage Playlist' button bug
* Fixed: [ml_local] ignoring files with ellipsis (...)
* Fixed: [ml_local] editing disc via 'edit selected items'
* Fixed: [ml_local] sorting fix
* Fixed: [ml_local] ratings menu
* Fixed: [ml_local] crash when sorting by replaygain
* Fixed: [ml_local] deadlock when retrieving title to guess metadata
* Fixed: [ml_local] no longer causes unicode files in playlist to display ?????
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] time column and 'status' in statusbar
* Fixed: [ml_pmp]
* Fixed: [ml_rg] multi-channel files being calculated incorrectly
* Fixed: [ml_transcode] bad/missing metadata on transcoded files
* Fixed: [ml_transcode] error on overly long filenames ("can't open destination file")
* Fixed: [ml_wire] podcasts that change titles not updating properly

* Updated: Coding Technologies aacPlus encoder 8.0.3

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