
Real Alternative 1.7.0

* Media Player Classic [version]
* RealMedia components [version]
* RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
* RealMedia plugin for Opera/Mozilla/Netscape

* RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version]

同时 QuickTime Alternative 最近也有更新(2.2.0):
- Updated QuickTime components to version

- A CPU with SSE capabilities is no longer required


Maxthon 下载

+ 恢复分屏功能
+ 按钮插件可以指定缺省的位置,可以是主工具栏、菜单栏和状态栏 (DefaultLocation=MenuBar/ToolBar/StatusBar)
+ 插件图标支持 png,jpg,bmp 等

+ 对标签栏标签的拖放方式进行了改进

* 多显示器时的一些错误或无效问题修正
* 简易收集面板删除标签时增加了提示
* 侧边栏的标签改为只显示图标的方式
* 皮肤部分图标更新
* 鼠标手势的最大长度改为 3
* 标签栏站点图标显示过慢的问题
* 地址栏有焦点时,使用网址一键通等方式打开新页面,地址栏显示不正确的问题(50642)
* 解决某些情况下,被过滤项目不显示在过滤列表中的问题
* 解决通过 TM 外部调用时,地址栏显示的URL中会有乱码的问题
* 修复 选中退出到托盘的情况下关机,傲游不退出的问题
* 启用"地址栏快捷搜索"无效的问题
* 修正一个浏览器漏洞
* 修正一个删除侧边栏插件导致崩溃的问题
* 某种情况下,收藏栏的“更多”按钮点不出来的问题(50772)
* 修正一些菜单快捷键冲突的问题(25312)
* 解决标签栏新建标签造成绘制错误的问题
* 收藏管理器支持最爱收藏的操作
* 修正设置中心仍然显示被删除的皮肤的问题
* 最爱收藏的标题中含有&的显示问题
* 撤销列表中点击右键再点击左键崩溃的问题
* 解决自定义模式下点击标题栏闪烁的问题
* 修复一些导致崩溃的问题
* 网站图标按照页面内指定的地址显示(46541)
* 修正在不显示搜索栏时,页面右键菜单搜索无效的问题(48160)

* 区域截图时切换到其它程序崩溃的问题(47348)

XnView 1.91.6

XnView 此新版本和上次报道 1.91.4 后的新功能增加如下:

1.91.6 Added:
* Subsampling & smoothing factor for jpeg
* Show in Google Earth (if EXIF GPS exists) in contextual menu
* Option to use 'checkerboard' for transparency - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13645

* You can select a category and pressing CONTROL to select it and all children

XnView v1.91.5 (LIBFORMAT v4.82) 02/10/2007:

1.91.5 Added:
* SharpenValue added - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13348
* Panasonic EXIF Makernotes
* Categories in preview tab
* New RAW format
* Custom selection - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13488
* Ctrl+Up/Down to select previous/next folder in browser - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13447
* Companion File can be configured, Companion_xx in [File] section - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13402
* autocrop after rotation - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13427
* TreeFontHiColor2 for folder tree - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13204
* Possibility to display 'Print size' in status bar - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?p=52480
* fullscreen (from browser), option to go to next subfolder - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=12713
* Quick Copy-Move To (Ctrl+Alt+c/M) - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13321
* Auto rotate for printing - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=13441

* New options for 'strip images'


VMware Player 2.0.2

VMware Player 2.0.2 发布,只是 bugfix.

New in Version 2.0.2

Bugs Reported in VMware Player 2.0 and Fixed in This Release

* Hosts with AMD Duron processors might not be able to power on virtual machines. This problem resulted because Duron processors that are based on Athlon do not have Intel SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions). (bug 183866)

* Ubuntu 7.04 virtual machines sometimes power off unexpectedly if paravirtual kernel support is enabled. (bug 190499)

Winamp 5.5

Winamp 5.5

Lite 版本下载其他版本下载

* New: Bento SingleUI Skin
* New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)
* New: Album Art support, including new window for Winamp Modern skin
* New: Fully translatable Localization support
* New: WLZ (Winamp Language Zip) filetype support
* New: Global 'playback thread priority' setting for decoders
* New: Media Monitor and MP3 Blog site scraper (in Bento browser)
* New: Option to set the number of lines to scroll in the Playlist
* New: Option to not show playlist item number in classic songticker
* New: Option to not show the playlist number in the Windows taskbar
* New: Redesigned Installer


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