几乎要错过 slashdot 上和 facebook 相关的一篇讨论,似乎 facebook 的用户对它最近引入的几个新功能相当的不满意,让我们看看Facebook, Stop it是怎么说的:
1. 首先一件不爽的事情就是让高中生加入,让用户感觉被出卖(sell out)。要知道 "got your e-mail address from your new college" 可是个人成长中的一件大事
2. facebook 允许 global 的 group .. (还没有特别弄明白这件事情怎么和 makes facebook less personal to our individual colleges 联系起来)
3. 对更新后的搜索功能不满意. (似乎是新的搜索系统会返回更多的结果, aha, facebook 当然期望你在这里面能结识更多的人,带来更多的 PV 啦.)
4. 给照片打 tag 或许很酷,但本需要更多的改进后再上线
5. Notes 功能..(也不明白)
6. 最后,也是最严重的就是 feed ! 现在 facebook 的 feed 功能可以让人全面的跟踪好友的行踪. No one wants their girlfriend or boyfriend knowing when they've commented on a photo, written on a wall, or anything else. No one wants people to see that they've left a group; it could offend someone. No one really wants to see the change in status of someone's love life.
其实我觉得从这里学习到的核心的并不是上述 6 点抱怨,而是用户认为的社区成功的关键: Facebook used to be cool because it was down-to-earth, and it was run by students just like us. Now, we're unimportant, and events in our social lives are known as "stories." (不再重视用户隐私,或者说用户使用感受了)
you are entirely correct in that the usage of facebook is a privilege and not a right, and yes, we are also well aware that it is their website. That being said, we are also customers of the facebook website. This is not to be interpreted as the traditional customer who with money he or she has earned; we pay facebook with one simple thing: Our time. They monetize this time by displaying ads. It's as simple as that. We are "paying" customers in that we give Facebook our time, and as such we have every right to complain when we are not happy about the service we receive.
注:我还另外写过一篇关于 facebook 的文章可供参考
再注:最近学习english,九月的第一个周一是 Labor Day,或者说传统的 summer vacation 结束的日子。没想到 facebook 的新学期是以这样一种惨淡的方式开始的。