
关于 Mac OS X 上 WebEx 应用的问题

达达一直在用 WebEx 参加网上的英语口语会话课程。自从家里配置了 Mac 后,也尝试过在 Mac 里上课。但是很奇怪,WebEx 总是时不时的会崩溃掉,没有任何预兆。于是我们还是在 Windows 上继续课程。。。。。。

今天终于找到一个可能的线索:WebEx Mac crashes with USB headset (debug logs attached)

因为 Mac 很变态的只装备了 Line-In,而不是 Micphone-In,所以市面上常见的耳麦没法用。俺们 Mac 用户多半是使用的 USB 耳麦,可看情况就是这个 USB 耳麦配合 WebEx 有潜在的影响.

还不得不提的是这个 bug 是去年2月1日用户在cisco网站讨论区里提出来的,然后过了半年多 cisco 才正面回应决定解决这个bug:"This year we revamped the computer based audio experience. You have clearly pointed out a gap that needs to be filled. We are looking for a development slot to bring both the USB support and the and the new computer based audio experience to OSX. Thank you."...然后,同样是这个回应人,前几天,也就是发表声明9个月后,说"First, thank you all for your patience. As a Mac user I understand your frustration and issues clearly. I want to be transparent and share with you that the engineering team working on the USB issue had to reprioritize some work items previously targeted for the May 2012 release, and the repair for this was one of the items. The engineering team is now targeting this for the next major release. They are firming up the content and schedule for that next release in the next months so I hesitate sharing a timeline, less I should disappoint, but fall 2012 is ballpark. "

