

Q: 为什么诺基亚要自己建立平台,从设备生产,到操作系统以及云服务,还有商店?
A: 因为这是价值链的最高端,而且诺基亚有足够的实力去完成目标。想想不仅仅是微软,连三星都要搞 bada;诺基亚还没有潦倒到MOT那样只能靠Android翻身的状态。

Q: 为什么是 MeeGo?
A: 我觉得是这样的,苹果主动扩大战火——把它的 iOS 扩展到 iPad,甚至是 iMac 上来,未来说不定还有 iBook。Symbian 或许在电话上足够优秀,但在新领域肯定不靠谱,还是得 Linux。所以先是 N900/Maemo,然后是和英特尔合作搞个也能通吃 x86 的 MeeGo。(惠普收购 WebOS 也许想的是同样的事)

Q: 为什么搞 MeeGo 和 Symbian 两个平台?
A: 何止是两个,还有 S40/S30。和苹果的目标是生产完美手机不同,诺基亚的目标是为所有人生产手机。现在很明显了,N系/MeeGo 定位是 iPhone/iOS 的竞争者;Symbian 面向 global mass market。另外,微软也同时维持 WP7 和 WM6.5

Q: 为什么 N8 仍然在用 ARM11,而不是 Cortex-A8 处理器?
A: 答案见上,Symbian 的定位如此,接下来会有其他更低端的 Symbian^3 设备问世,其对手包括中兴华为最近的千元Android等;N8现在是树立一个样板,以后的机型开发应该都在N8方案的基础上做,好比5800之于S60v5。2009 年就发布的 N900 反而有一颗 A8 的芯,那个才是旗舰机型的模样。

Q: 为什么是 QT?
A: 这是为了简化开发者在两个平台之间移植应用的难度。QT 和 WRT 是诺基亚双平台战略的基石



- Will the N8 be able to run all the apps and games that are already made for S60 5th?

YES! Symbian^3 is backwards compatible while also having the new native Qt system integrated into the OS. So, essentially you can say the Symbian^3 is a hybrid since it has both the S60/Avkon system AS WELL AS the new Qt system.

- Will the N8 be able to run all the Java apps written for S60 5th J2ME?

YES! It will run just fine, and probably a lot faster than on S60 5th devices.

- Will apps written in Qt for the N8 / Symbian^3 run on future Symbian^4 devices?

YES! That's one of cardinal ideas behind Qt, the aim is to throw out S60/Avkon in Symbian^4.

- Will Qt apps also run on older S60 5th devices?

YES! With an automatic download of the Qt libraries through a smart installer, this will work also. The user shouldn't notice anything.

- Will developers writing Qt apps for the N8 be able to publish them for Maemo/Meego devices?

YES! The Qt SDK supports building the SAME source-code for both platforms. Qt works in exactly the same way across Maemo/Meego, Symbian^3 and Symbian^4. Even games written in Qt and OpenGL ES can be build and hence work on those platforms.

- Will Symbian^4 be able to run old native S60 apps?

No, it will not. That's why Symbian^3 is first - to bridge the app support going from the old systems to the new unified Qt system.
