1. 网络和系统运营。其实"运维"是一个挺好的缩写了,运行维护,简单明了。说运营也不是不可以,但是前面最好还是加上 Network or System,否则很容易和下面的概念混淆。
2. 产品运营。大多数情况下,我们说运营就是这个意思。所谓“好产品是运营出来的”。类似的句式比如“新闻最终页是印刷出来的”,从印刷到运营,中间隔着好大一个坑,很多人会倒在里面。
3. 业务运营。Chief Operating Officer,最后从 Wikipedia 上摘点东西出来:...development, design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm's products/services...ensuring that business operations are efficient and effective and that proper management of resources, distribution of goods and services to customers, and analysis of queue systems is done.